Saturday, July 27, 2024

Best Picnic Spots in and around Kolkata

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Kolkata never ceases to amaze you as it is one of the busiest cities and yet it finds ample time to engage the people in something interesting like picnic.

And his winter is around the corner we thought of sharing with you some of the most amazing picnic spots in and around Kolkata so that you can visit there at least for once and have an enjoyable time.

Eco Park

Japanese Garden Eco Park

This is another picnic spot which is located in New town area Kolkata, and this has been renovated and Decked up in the best possible manner. It is a magnanimous space and it has a flurry of activities to offer like zorbing, cycling, segway ride, boating and a lot more. It is also for a fact that all the seven wonders of the world have been replicated here where you can capture your happy moments with your family. This place is complete with thrilling experience and if memories is what you want to take back home this is the perfect place.

Nature Park

This is another beautiful picnic destination which is situated in taratala road Garden Reach area and Kolkata. It has been design brilliantly and is also called lovers spot for the couples. It is a great place to visit with family as well and you can do an array of activities here. There is an entry fee and inside you get to have children’s park and do boating. There are a number of eateries inside but you could also pack your lunch and take it over there. Every part of the nature park is adorned beautifully and this is indeed an enthralling place to be in.

Diamond Harbour

diamond harbour sunset

Diamond Harbour is situated around 57 km from the city of joy and it is a popular picnic spot which rests on the source of the Hooghly river. Not only that it is also one of those parts which Oversees the Confluence of the Bay of Bengal with the Ganges river. Along with having great picnic in here you can also go for some adventurous activities like bird watching, boat riding, cruising, and so on. This place is the one with enchanting views and the rising and the setting sun is absolutely spectacular over here. It also possesses a two Century old lighthouse and an array of antediluvian forts.


This is one of the special economic zones of Kolkata and is located on the banks of the Hugli river in south 24 Parganas district. This place was a integral part of the East India Company during the British rule and is it truly incredible place. It was the home to the famous Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose. It is an amazing picnic spot where one can walk around and explore the various parts and cook and have lunch over there. It is also which Historical site for Buddhism and the river Damodar with Hooghly provides a mind boggling sight.


This is located at 35 km from Kolkata and it is complete with thence vegetation and lovely water bodies. It is a perfect Getaway for the weekend Ventures and is a perfect place for having a picnic with your family. This is also a place with ample historical evidence including the Rajbadi which was built over 4th centuries ago. It is a very calm and peaceful site and the nightlife of this place is amazing. One could spend hours on end by looking at the sky which is bursting with stars. The lush green surroundings will give you an adventurous feel and you would love to go for a picnic in Bawali.


This is a lovely region which is this 96 km away from Kolkata and is a perfect destination for having a picnic. This is one such site that looks upon the most of the river Damodar, Rupnarayan and Hooghly and the site is really an authentic beauty. Here you will get to have the historical evidence of a Fort constructed by Lord Clive named as the Mornington Point Fort, and the lush green surroundings make this place mind blowing. The foot also consists of a lighthouse which hovers over the idyllic atmosphere of the place.


Deulti is a charming village which is just 50 km away from Kolkata and the situated on the banks of the rupnarayan river. It provides a perfect Getaway from the chaos of the mundane life. It is an indeed rejuvenating spot which contains ample greenery, chattering of the birds, and the wonderful views of the river. The village has a hidden chat and it is also near the home of the famous Bengali authors for Chandra Chattopadhyay. Here you can see all his former belongings like table, armchair, bed, etc.

Neeldeep Garden Kolkat

This is a very beautiful picnic spot in the Sonarpur area Kolkata and it has been created and designed for conducting picnic only. People from all parts of Kolkata and even outside come here at least for Once to have a great day ahead. Here you can have all the facilities like a beautiful place for fooding and lodging benefits therefore it will take away the stress and anxiety from you. Neeldeep Garden is one of the most popular picnic destinations in Kolkata and right now in the winter season it is being visited by many.

Eco urban village

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Eco urban village is placed in New Town Kolkata and is an open ground with beautiful surroundings. Here you can have a great picnic time with you family but there are not much activities to do rather than boarding and children’s play area. But you can absolutely have your own kind of fun by playing badminton football and lock and key. It is a place where you can have the picnic in the most traditional manner and this place is also given for fun fiesta and events. It is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. apart from Mondays.

Palm Village

This place has been an absolutely fun and amazing space which has been giving super experience to the picnic enthusiast. It is a very beautiful area which has numerous game stalls set up near that children’s playing area so that we can have a fun time altogether. The authorities over here organised different programs on different days where the people can participate freely and when the best prices.

Needless to say it is one of the best picnic spots in the entire Kolkata and it is located in Bishnupur Diamond Harbour road which is just 50 km away from the city of joy.

Bottom line

Now that you know about all these places in and around Kolkata why not stop your work for a day and get yourself moving to enjoy one of these picnic spots in Kolkata.


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About Author

Pritha Shyam is an avid lover of Kolkata and a travel blogger at that. She has been working extensively on travel articles for the last 6 years and wishes to make a mark in this dimension

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