Saturday, July 27, 2024

7 Ways to Relax & Make the Most Out of Summer

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The season of scorching heat is here, but that doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy your time! With summer having paved its way, you can finally relish extended hours outside, enjoying the warmth from dusk to dawn. It’s the season to seize and make the most of it. Some of you may think that extravagance is necessary to enjoy the summer, but I have shared some effective ways to help you make the most of the season by doing ordinary activities.

1. Watch Sunrise

Photo by Min An

Now you cannot complain about getting up early because winter’s gone! Starting your day after witnessing a sunrise can be your highlight. Sure, it requires you to be punctual for this breathtaking, spectacular view.

Check the sunrise time in your city, and grab your car keys to get the best view of sunrise around your place. Don’t forget your morning tea/coffee/juice, and prepare to witness this incredible view of nature. I recommend this because there’s something different about the hues of the morning sky, which gives you a chance to appreciate the natural beauty of life. Watching the sunrise connects you with the simplicities of life as well. You also realise that if you go the extra mile each day, you can commence your day on a fantastic note.

2. Plant More

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Someone once said, “The glory of gardening; is his hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.”

Imagine taking a bite of the fruits and vegetables you grew in your very own garden, the delicious taste and flavours would truly be beyond words!

Gardening is a joyous process. Right from planting the seeds to watering them, watching the plant bloom, and finally savouring the freshness (Wow!)

You can also go for planting flowers in your garden, which can brighten your daily view. Once your plants start blooming, it becomes a fulfilling sight to witness and watch the growth progress.

3. Camping

Photo by Maninder Sidhu on Unsplash

When was the last time you unplugged from your smartphone? Don’t remember? That’s exactly why you need to go camping!

Who doesn’t like the idea of camping anyway? Camping refreshes the soul! It can improve the quality of life when you take some time away from mundane tasks to relax in nature.

We are always running at full pace, living lives surrounded by electronic devices. So, camping would give you a taste of nature to clear your mind and break away from the hectic schedule.

Imagine waking up to the sound of birds and other wildlife, spending hours outside with your loved ones and creating memories in summer.

4. Star Gaze

Photo by Rahul Bhosale on Unsplash

Vincent Van Gogh said, “For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.”

No matter whether you’re well-versed in the scientific names of planets and stars, you can still enjoy stargazing. Looking at and beholding the awe-inspiring stars is a truly magical experience. Lying on a blanket and stargazing on a summer night is not only romantic but also incredibly peaceful.

If you stay near a city, then finding a location with better visibility is a good idea. You can download a stargazing app to enhance your experience by identifying what is visible in the sky. In addition to this, learning about constellations and their locations in the sky is an amazing experience too.

5. Go on Trips

Photo by Mike Scheid on Unsplash

Travelling is a unique opportunity to explore and learn more about the world. It doesn’t have to be a long trip, but a mini-vacation. This short trip will give you new experiences and insights. Expanding your vision and horizon with travel can be incredibly rewarding for most of you.

As summer knocks on your door, I wish you only laughter, happiness, and sunshine no matter where the adventure of life takes you.

6. Try Beditation

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

According to the founder of Unplug Meditation Studios and the Unplug app, Suze Yalof Schwartz, the three popular buttons on any meditation app are Anxiety, Stress, and Sleep. 

In this app, you can access one of the 700 guided-meditation videos, like the popular 10-minute “When You’re Overwhelmed” practice, which can alter your state of mind.

According to studies, practising mindfulness meditation can alleviate stress and anxiety. It can even alter the brain’s physical structure with time by shrinking the amygdala, which is responsible for fight-or-flight feelings.

There are plenty of excellent meditation apps available online, so I recommend you find one that suits you and establish a daily habit this summer before going to bed and in the morning.

7. Learn a New Skill

Photo by Marcos Luiz Photograph on Unsplash

If you are enjoying your summer vacation, you have plenty of time to productively learn one or more skills. Various online sources provide free tutorials that you can access. 

You have always aspired to undertake these, but due to your hectic schedule, you might have been unable to. Some activities that you can go for are:

  • Learning one or more musical instruments
  • Practising cake baking
  • Learning a new language
  • Learning dance or music


How you choose to embrace the summer season is up to you but remember to step back and take some time out for yourself. It can help you understand your inner self, your desires, interests, goals, and emotions, which can make life more enjoyable and fruitful.

Featured Image by Jernej Graj on Unsplash


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About Author

Nitya Jain is an enthusiastic content writer and a life-long learner with an undying curiosity to explore new things. She loves fresh humour, just like her tea! When not writing, you'll find her raiding book stores or hopping cafes in town.

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